Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Year 3 letter writing.

Examples of some of our letters from characters in our village.

Rumer Cottage
The Lane
The Village
15th October 2009
Dear Pen Pal,
My name is Bethany and I am a lady who lives in the village. I sometimes get a bit lonely and I am looking for a pen pal. Maybe you can be my pen pal. I understand that you are looking for a pen pal too. May be we could be pen pals.
Let me tell you a bit about myself. I am 19 and I go to university in the village. I have got medium sized ears and a pale white face. I live in a massive house. It has got chandeliers in the hall. There is a mosaic carpet and everything. My bedroom has got pictures of Lady Ga-Ga all over it. My family is RICH, so we have servants. So then, oh yes, my favourite sport is netball. I am in the university netball team. My position is goal attack (GA). My bib is baby blue.
What's your name? Where do you live? I want to know about you. Please can you be my pen pal?
Beath House
The Lane
The Village
15th October 2009
Dear Pen Pal,
My name is Rose and I am a lady who lives in a village. I am very happy that I am writing this letter because I would like a pen pal just like you. Please may you be my pen pal. I hope you will!
I like flowers in my hair. Everybody thinks I am a genious! I love bling! I guess you want to know how old I am?
I am 15.
Everybody thinks I am 19.
My house looks like a palace on the outside of my house! My hair is as curly as a spring. My lips are bright pink normally. My favourite colour is baby blue. Can you tell me your colour hair and your favourite colour?
My hair is bright blonde. Everybody thinks my house is like a palace. My favourite hobby is art.
Let me tell you how many pets I have. Two dogs and four Guinea pigs. My house is quite big. But this is the annoying thing, my brother, who always annoys me. I like going shopping.
Please may you be my pen pal. I hope you will.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Year 3 News

In Year 3 we have created our own villages.

At the moment in Literacy we are writing a letter to send to another character in a different village.

In Numeracy we have a village shop and use our Numeracy skills to solve problems in our shop.

After 1/2 term we will be sharing some or our work with you.